
Intretinere servere [Mentenanta: 06.03.2013]

Update client: 13.3.9
[BUG] - Unele bufuri erau aratate in zile - rezolvat
[BUG] - Jucatorii nu puteau urca pe mounturile puternice folosind ctrl+g - rezolvat
+cateva alte problemele minore.


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Wed 03 2013 09:46:20

Happy hour [02.03.]

Draga comunitate,
bucurati-va de 30% mai multe MD-uri pana la miezul noptii!
A voastra, echipa Metin2


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Sat 03 2013 11:13:03

[Limited Edition] Dragon God Life, Intelligence, Attack, De[...]

[Limited Edition] Dragon God Life, Intelligence, Attack, Defence for DC!
Dear community,
for a limited period of time you will be able to receive the following items by using Dragon Coins instead the usual Dragon Marks! Please visit item shop from 2th of March 12:01(local time) until 3th of March 23:59 (local time)!
Dragon God Attack
Increases the damage you cause during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes.
299DM 39 DC
Dragon God Intelligence
Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes
240DM 29 DC
Dragon God Defence
Lowers the damage you receive during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes.
299DM 39 DC
Dragon God Life
Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes.
319DM 49 DC
Metin2 Team


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Fri 03 2013 16:36:11

The Metin2 family grows!

Dear community,
today we have some information about Publisher G4BOX, the operator of Metin2's Canadian server. They will be closing down the game this spring. The fan community will be integrated into the Gameforge family so that they can continue to take part in the adventures within the Dragon God's kingdom. The users that consent will have their accounts relocated to our US server. Canadian players will then profit from our extensive experience with Metin2 in over 18 countries and will receive access to our events and our community. All details regarding the relocation will be announced in the coming weeks.
Metin2 Team


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Fri 03 2013 16:00:28

Happy hour [28.02]

Draga comunitate,
Bucurati-va de 20% mai multe MD-uri pana la miezul noptii, astazi, 28.02.2013
A voastra, echipa Metin2


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Thu 02 2013 16:10:32

Desert Storm Chest!

Dear community,
Desert Storm Chest will be available in the Item Shop on Friday, 1st March from 12:00 till 00:00!
The desert is a hostile place, where the sun burns down relentlessly all day long. A place where at night the cold chills right down to the bone.Without the right equipment it is almost impossible to survive. It was for this reason that a warrior prince chose to conceal a different kind of treasure to that of jewels and gold: his desert warrior uniform.
With a sophisticated magic laid over it, the treasured contents only appear to those who have proven their venerability.
This chest contains one of the following items: Desert Warrior (M, Bonus), Desert Warrior (F,Bonus), Magic Stone, Reinforce Item, Blacksmith Handbook, Dragon Scroll, Blessing Marble, Blessing Scroll, Book of the Leader, Passage Ticket, Stone Handbook, Medal of the Dragon or Blessing of Life.
Metin2 team


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Thu 02 2013 16:03:44

La multi ani ai imbatranit iar

Draga comunitate,
in Februarie 2009 Gameforge a lansat Metin2 in Romania. Nu este minunat cum timpul zboara? De 4 ani deja, v-ati putut crea un nume si ati putut pasi in lumea Metin2 in limba romana. Este un motiv suficient pentru a sarbatori, drept urmare, pentru intreaga zi de Duminica, 3 Martie, vom activa un Bonus de experienta de 50%. Deasemenea monstrii si bosii vor dropa Cutii hexagonale pe toata durata zilei.
Bucurati-va! E ziua voastra.
A voastra, echipa Metin2


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Tue 02 2013 12:22:19

Inceputul unei noi ere!

Draga Comunitate,
Asteptarea a ajuns in sfarsit la final - semnalele pentru un update imens al Metin2-ului au fost lansate. Echipati-va armele si porniti intr-o noua era:
Cuceriti Piatra Dragonului Intunecat acum!
Pentru mult timp, aceasta insula secreta a fost ascunsa, dar acum panza de ceata a misterului s-a ridicat. Afla-te printre primii care pasesc intr-un taram neexplorat. Invata arta misterioasa de Alchimie a Pietrei Dragonului si foloseste-o pentru a deveni mai puternic ca niciodata. Vei avea nevoie de fiecare picatura de putere, pentru ca insula este deja populata: monstrii infricosatori de apa ai Armatei Tritonice sau bestii inaripate a clanului Manticore isi duc veachul in acest intuneric.
In inima sinistra a acestui loc, zeul demon, Sung Mahi, va reinvia si va atinge forma lui maxima si infricosatoare - fii pregatit pentru lupta care va decide soarta umanitatii!
A voastra, Echipa Metin2


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Mon 02 2013 14:27:46






