
Welcome to Metin2!

Step into an eastern fantasy world with picturesque towns and impressive landscapes.

Dangerous battles await you!

Become a master of martial arts and protect the country from the dark influence of the Metin stones.




  • 26.06.2013 11:00:52

    Ziua tricolorului

    Dragi jucatori,
    bucurati-va de aceasta zi si totodata, profitati de 50% xp si 6 ore de drop cutii hexagonale, de la ora 18:00 pana la miezul noptii.
    Numai bine,
    Echipa Metin2

  • 24.06.2013 08:40:04

    Obtine un frumos Panda!

    Draga comunitate,
    profita de sansa de a detine acest frumos Panda ce va fi disponibil in itemshop de pe 24.06.2013 ora 12:00 pana la miezul noptii, pe 01.07.2013.
    Deasemenea, in aceeasi [...]

  • 14.06.2013 09:08:18

    +15% Happy Hour si un frumos Ursulet Polar!

    Draga comunitate
    Binevointa Zeului Dragon radiaza peste cele trei regate!
    Profita de aceasta oportunitate si procura-ti cu 15% mai multe Monede Dragon azi! 14.06.2013 incepand cu ora 12;00 pana [...]

Go to News

Metin2 - Oriental Action MMORPG

For a long time now the Dragon God's breath has watched over the kingdoms of Shinsoo, Chunjo and Jinno. But this fascinating world of magic is facing a terrifying threat: The impact of the Metin Stones has not only torn wounds into the entire continent, but has also caused chaos and destruction throughout the land and its inhabitants. War has broken out between the kingdoms, wild animals have transformed into raging beasts and the dead have come back to life as blood-thirsty creatures. Fight the dark influence of the Metin Stones as one of the Dragon God's allies. Gather all your strength and seize your weapons to save your kingdom from a future filled with fear, suffering and destruction!


  • A big continent on which many adventurers and brave warriors are waiting.
  • Three enemy emperors which you are able to join.
  • Fight for territory and honor, on foot or on horse!
  • Become lord of a castle and build up your own fortress with your own guild!
  • Learn a martial art and get many destructive special skills!





