11/16/11 10:09:10[DC] Devil's Catacomb is opening its gates! Catac[...]
[DC] Devil's Catacomb is opening its gates! Catacombele isi deschid portile!
Whilst enjoying the tranquil peace in your home town, you sense that the forces of evil are once again combining their powers. It's time for your return!
Ascend into the Devil's Catacomb and face your biggest challenge yet: defeat Azrael, the Lord of the Underworld, and become a legend!
More excitement! More adventure! More enemies!
Explore the underground labyrinth and fight your way through a mass of demons. Only the bravest and most skilled heroes can survive the Devil's Catacomb. Throw yourself into the crucial battle for honour and glory and save the world from its downfall.
Fulfill your destiny!
Your Metin2 Team
In timp ce te bucuri de linistea pasnica din orasul tau, simti ca fortele raului isi combina di noi puterile. Este timpul pentru reintoarcerea ta!
Coboara in Catacombele Diavolului si infruntati cea mai mare provocare de pana acum: infrange-l pe Azrael, Lordul Lumii de Dedesubt, si devino o legenda!
Mai multa distractie! Mai multa aventura! Mai multi inamici!
Exploreaza labirintul subteran si lupta printr-o multitudine de demoni. Doar cei mai curajosi si mai buni eroi vor supravietui Catacombelor. Lanseaza-te intr-o batalie cruciala pentru onoare si glori si salveaza lumea de la distrugere.
Indeplineste-ti destinul!
Echipa ta Metin2